Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Progressing Through Space

Well, for the first period of college I've been thrown right in the deep end with studying space. In the beginning I was focusing on one idea. The path juggling balls follow and the shape inbetween, that the paths create. Which lead me onto movement in space and the different ways movement could be depicted in a still image. My favourite being the memory of the ball. Like the blue ball will leave a blue path behind it. Like a comet.

But then after a talk with a tutor, I was told to broaden my horizons. Throwing down EVERY idea I had. Good bad and the ugly. Then I began to enjoy the whole experience an awful lot more!
I noticed a lot of my ideas were sculptures or installations. Two thing that I've never really gone near before. Some fairly linear things and then abstract stuff about 'imaginary space' which I thought would be really cool! Such as, a metal circle on a spinning axis. Then when spun at a high speed it would seemingly create a bubble when actually it's just a 2D shape at many different angles.  But one thing about it was annoying me. That the pieces weren't involving the viewer enough. It is 'To Sense My Space' and that should involve the viewer as well.

One of my favourite ideas was a pink, pretty, girly castle. A large box of a thing in a gallery. The point was that the viewer would have an idea built up in their own mind of what the space inside would be like. A pink, prety room full of niceness and kindness. But instead it would be something  completely unappealing and unexpected! The first thing that came to mind was a lone clown in a harshly lit room. Then I thought of gigantic versions of tiny things e.g. spider/ rat. But again a tutor talked sense to me saying "It would be a one trick pony" like a fair ground haunted house. Fun for a second then the effect wears off and it wouldn't really be remembered. Quickly push THAT idea aside.

Finally, what I'm working on now.I was reminded me of this form of street art where the viewer must stand in one specific spot to see the proper image. Otherwise the image seems stretched and distorted. But when viewed correctly it will almost seem to be floating in space. I'm really excited about this because it uses the space of the gallery floor instead of involving space in the work too much while also involving the viewer. My original aim. Now to take his original idea and make it completely my own!!

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