Thursday, 28 February 2013


First of all here's my tumblr. I'm not sure how to link the 2 sites but I would rather start using tumblr more than blogger. So if all 4 of my followers could follow me on tumblr that'd be SUPER

Right, so I've been creating my very first animation this week and I've loved it! But besides that it really turned out exactly how I wanted it to in the beginning of the week. Well proper proud again! 

The idea came from the original sentence "I looked up and saw a suspicious cloud". I then asked myself "What would I do if I were a cloud?" Of course the answer was simple. I'd fuck with people. I mean, who would suspect a cloud of following someone and turning into a UFO and then raining on them intentionally? The perfect crime. If a cloud can commit a crime.

Anyway, I did some research before hand and here's that since it can't really be printed off it can go here.

The making of the Disney short Paperman

Work from a student I happened across on tumblr. I think it's great how they've hand drawn it all. Really goes back to the origins of the technique.... I like that.

Apparently cats are a popular subject matter for rotoscoping on tumblr.

This is just an experiment using the technique but I think they've used it effectivly and 

A kick ASS gif!

And finally a really cool and interseting use of the technique. Suppose there really isn't any constraints and it can be used to create as well as copy... If that makes sense. It does to me anyway

Monday, 25 February 2013

My Proposal

I wanted to go on a HUGE scale! But unfortunately it's very impractical with the short time scale we were given. SO I was told I could make a proposal instead of actually going ahead with the idea and that would be just as good. I wanted to wrap the huge red brick chimney protruding from the college. 

This is a maquette I made of the chimney.
 These are collages inspired by Christo's sketches. They're bits of cardboard cut out in the shape of the chimney and wrapped using different material. My favourites of all these would be the maquette and the collage that used the black bin bag. The latter because I think it looks like a giant traffic cone. Taking away from it's original essence and giving it a new one. The former because I like the play between light and shadow and line in the black bin bag.

Inspired by the black bin I created my favourite piece of the 2 weeks. I'm not going to explain it. I think it's better to look without knowing EXACTLY what they are. You'll guess though pretty easily.


They're bottles. If you couldn't guess.

It Got a Little Narcissistic

Well after wrapping the statue with cling film I became interested in the idea of creating a replica of my own body. Specifically my body though. Nothing else really seemed to interest me. This meant wrapping my hands in cling film again  with the intention of creating a wax replica. 
This was that replica. It didn't really resemble a hand at all. Just ever so slightly suggested it. Which in a way was nice because it was as if I was taking away from the essence of the subject twice. Once by wrapping it and again when I added the wax.
This idea of taking away from the essence attracted me again. But of course this is where it got a little narcissistic. I wanted to create my head from wax. Firstly I took away from the essence twice by wrapping my head in tin foil then filling that with wax.

 I of course needed to take it a step further however by taking away 3 times. I did this by wrapping my head in the cotton and rope I favored so much in the beginning then covering that in plaster bandage to create the shell then filling that with wax. 3 times. 

This is the "shell"

The Sentient Guardian of the Stairs

It's been a while Blog.... My bad.... and RAG week's bad too.
SO here's what I never updated you on in Sculpture...

After wrapping all those things in my room I decided to take a leaf from Christo's book and started thinking bigger. This started off with a plaster cast of a male figure neglected at the bottom of a stairwell in the college. Simple wrapping, just cotton ffrom the fashion department and rope. I was attracted to these materials by they'er versiltileness and reuseability.

I liked this material so much I continued with it, except I wrapped it in a different way. Things got a little fashiony at this point for my liking.

 After I removed this material I tried again, excpet with cling film. The hope was that by the end of wrapping I would have a shell replica of the statue. But that didn't work out. Here's what it looked like with it covered in cling film.